Developers API
Api will allow you to integrate the purchase and renewal of a proxy into your service or application. The interaction of the partner with the system, as well as the system with the partner, occurs through “application / json” requests and responses. All communication takes place in UTF-8 encoding.
To get the balance information Example body answer: Response params:
The request allows to see the current balance
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/balance- "success" - operation status -"true/false",
- "balance" - the current balance.
To get the full list of the bought proxies Example body answer:
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
[ ],
[ ],
}[ ]
[ ],
}[ ]
}- "ipv4" - the list of active ipv4 proxies,
- "ipv6" - the list of active ipv6 proxies,
- "mobile" - the list of active mobile proxies,
- "isp" - the list of active isp proxies,
- "id" - proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
- "orderId" - order ID. Ipv6, unlike the rest of the proxy types, allows to extend all the proxies in the order only,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "dateStart" - the rent start date,
- "dateEnd" - the rent end date,
- "authInfo" - the data for authorization,
- "protocol" - protocol -"HTTPS/SOCKS5",
- "rotationTime" - rotation time of IP address in minutes. 0 is rotation by link at any moment,
- "rebootLink" - link for IP reboot,
- "mobileOperator" - mobile operator.
To get the available number of days for a proxy purchase/renewal Request parameters:
An available number of days can differ depending on the proxy type
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/days- "proxyType" - type of proxy. Value can be of four types -"ipv4/ipv6/isp/mobile".
Example body answer:{
"user":"[email protected]",
]To get the list of the countries available for purchase Request parameters:
The list of available countries can differ depending on the proxy type
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/countries- "proxyType" - type of proxy. Value can be of four types -"ipv4/ipv6/isp/mobile".
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}[ ]
}- "name" - name of country,
- "alpha3code" - alfa3 country code. Value of this field will be used for placing an order.
To get the ipv4 list of the bought proxies Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/proxies- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv4".
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}[ ]
}- "proxies" - the list of active ipv4 proxies,
- "id" - proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "dateStart" - the rent start date,
- "dateEnd" - the rent end date,
- "authInfo" - the data for authorization.
Calculate purchase price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/order/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv4",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
- "count" - the number of proxies.
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for one proxy.
Calculate extending price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/extend/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv4",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "IpId" - proxy IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
]- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for extending one proxy,
- "ipId" - the list of proxy IDs for extending.
Placing an order Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/order- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv4",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "count" - the number of proxies,
- "authType" - authorization type -"login/ip",
- "authIp" - authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip.
Example body request:{
Example body answer:"proxyType":"ipv4",
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "orderNumber" - order number,
- "balance" - the balance after the purchase.
Extending proxy Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/extend- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv4",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "IpId" - the list of proxy IDs to be extended.
Example body request:{
Example body answer: Response params:"proxyType":"ipv4",
]- "balance" - the balance after extending.
To get the ipv4 list of the bought proxies Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/proxies- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv6".
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}[ ]
}[ ]
}- "proxies" - the list of active ipv4 proxies,
- "orderId" - //too,
- "id" - proxy ID,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "dateStart" - the rent start date,
- "dateEnd" - the rent end date,
- "protocol" - protocol -"HTTPS/SOCKS5",
- "authInfo" - the data for authorization.
Calculate purchase price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/order/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv6",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
- "count" - the number of proxy. The value must be more then 10.
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for one proxy.
Calculate extending price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/extend/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv6",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "orderId" - order IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
]- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for extending one proxy,
- "ordersId" - the list of order IDs for extending,
- "ipId" - the list of proxy IDs for extending.
Placing an order Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/order- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv6",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "count" - the number of proxies. Value can be more then 10,
- "authType" - authorization type -"login/ip",
- "authIp" - authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip,
- "protocol" - protocol -"HTTPS/SOCKS5".
Example body request:{
Example body answer:"proxyType":"ipv6",
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "orderNumber" - order number,
- "balance" - the balance after the purchase.
Extending proxy Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/extend- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"ipv6",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "orderId" - the list of order IDs to be extended.
Example body request:{
Example body answer: Response params:"proxyType":"ipv6",
]- "balance" - the balance after extending.
To get the isp list of the bought proxies Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/proxies- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"isp".
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}[ ]
}- "proxies" - the list of active isp proxies,
- "id" - proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "dateStart" - the rent start date,
- "dateEnd" - the rent end date,
- "authInfo" - the data for authorization.
Calculate purchase price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/order/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"isp",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
- "count" - the number of proxies.
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for one proxy.
Calculate extending price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/extend/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"isp",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "IpId" - proxy IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
]- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for extending one proxy,
- "ipId" - the list of proxy IDs for extending.
Placing an order Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/order- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"isp",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "count" - the number of proxies,
- "authType" - authorization type -"login/ip",
- "authIp" - authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip.
Example body request:{
Example body answer:"proxyType":"isp",
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "orderNumber" - order number,
- "balance" - the balance after the purchase.
Extending proxy Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/extend- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"isp",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "IpId" - the list of proxy IDs to be extended.
Example body request:{
Example body answer: Response params:"proxyType":"isp",
]- "balance" - the balance after extending.
To get the list of available mobile tariffs Example body answer:
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}[ ]
},[ ]
}[ ]
"name":"AT&T Wireless",
]- "tariffs" - the list of tariffs,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "mobileOperator" - the list of available operators for this country,
- "rotationTime" - available rotation times of IP address in minutes. 0 is rotation by link at any moment.
the list of active mobile proxies Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/proxies- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"mobile".
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}[ ]
}- "proxies" - the list of active proxies,
- "id" - proxy ID. This parameter is needed for extending proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "dateStart" - the rent start date,
- "dateEnd" - the rent end date,
- "rotationTime" - the rotation time of IP address in minutes. 0 is rotation by link at any moment,
- "rebootLink" - the link for rotation IP,
- "authInfo" - the data for authorization.
Calculate purchase price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/order/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"mobile",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy (available values can be got by other request),
- "customGoal" - if the goal you need is not present in the goal list, you can indicate your own goal. Length of field must be 5 characters or more (one of the parameters - goal or customGoal - must be in the request),
- "country" - alfa3 country code (available values can be got by other request),
- "count" - the number of proxies,
- "mobileOperator" - the mobile operator (available values can be got by other request),
- "rotationTime" - the rotation time of IP address in minutes (available values can be got by other request).
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for one proxy.
Calculate extending price Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/get/extend/price- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"mobile",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "IpId" - proxy IDs that require renewal (it is allowed to indicate several IDs separated by commas).
Example body answer:{
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
]- "amount" - total amount,
- "price" - price for extending one proxy,
- "ipId" - the list of proxy IDs for extending.
Placing an order Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/order- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"mobile",
- "days" - the number of rental days (available values can be got by other request),
- "goal" - goal of using proxy,
- "country" - alfa3 country code,
- "count" - the number of proxies,
- "authType" - authorization type -"login/ip",
- "authIp" - authorization IP address. This field is required only if authType = ip,
- "mobileOperator" - the mobile operator (available values can be got by other request),
- "rotationTime" - the rotation time of IP address in minutes (available values can be got by other request).
Example body request:{
Example body answer:"proxyType":"mobile",
Response params:"success":true,
"user":"[email protected]",
}- "orderNumber" - order number,
- "balance" - the balance after the purchase.
Extending proxy Request parameters:
/client-api/v1/<apiKey>/extend- "proxyType" - type of proxy -"mobile",
- "days" - the number of renewal days (the available values are the same as for the purchase),
- "IpId" - the list of proxy IDs to be extended.
Example body request:{
Example body answer: Response params:"proxyType":"mobile",
]- "balance" - the balance after extending.
In case of failed query, you will get an error message
Error Example:{
"error":"Incorrect proxy type"
}- "error_id" - error ID,
- "error" - error message.
- "1" - API disabled on the server,
- "3" - Error auth. Your IP doesn't have access,
- "4" - Method not supported,
- "5" - Incorrect proxy type,
- "6" - Ipv4 proxies disabled on the server,
- "7" - Ipv6 proxies disabled on the server,
- "8" - Mobile proxies disabled on the server,
- "9" - Incorrect field [days],
- "10" - Incorrect field [country],
- "12" - Incorrect field [authType],
- "13" - Incorrect field [protocol]. Field must be [HTTPS] or [SOCKS5],
- "14" - Incorrect field [authIp],
- "15" - Incorrect field [count],
- "16" - Incorrect field [mobileOperator],
- "17" - Incorrect field [rotationTime],
- "18" - Incorrect field [IpId],
- "19" - Incorrect field [orderId],
- "20" - OrderId {orderId} don't have active IPs!,
- "21" - ID {ip} not found!,
- "22" - Request must contain [goal],
- "23" - Unknown error,
- "24" - Insufficient balance,
- "25" - Error key,
- "26" - Length of field [goal] must be 5 characters or more,
- "27" - ISP proxies disabled on the server,
- "28" - Mobile tariff is not available.